UPDATE: On March 31, Virginia DEQ announced its response to USEPA’s March 26 memo concerning relaxation of regulatory compliance requirements saying, “All regulated entities are expected to make every effort to comply with environmental compliance obligations, adhere to permit limits, and maintain the safe and environmentally protective operation of their facilities. We recognize this is an unprecedented public health crisis. DEQ must balance environmental protection with protecting the public’s health. As we all continue to navigate through this crisis, DEQ staff will consider non-compliance issues resulting from COVID-19 on a case-by-case basis, but by no means does this crisis equal a free pass for the regulated community.” DEQ’s guidance related to enforcement and compliance during the COVID-19 pandemic can be found here VA DEQ Enforcement Memo. For assistance with compliance efforts or preparation of a case for compliance leniency, please contact Scott Mortimer at (804) 378-6015 or smortimer@aegisenv.com.
Aegis protects you, while you protect the environment.