Aegis extends this brief regulatory update:.
Proposed Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule
Earlier this month, EPA proposed the Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) Rule, which would establish emissions guidelines for state-run programs designed to address greenhouse gas emissions from existing coal-fired power plants. This Rule is dramatically different from the currently-stayed Clean Power Plan in several ways, such as it focuses only on coal-powered plants (rather than the entire energy sector), and in that it allows states to set their own standards that meet the federal guideline rather than setting a federal standard.
EPA is accepting comments on the proposed rule for 60 days, see their website for more details.
Aegis Update:
September is a busy month for us here at Aegis Environmental! Aegis is co-hosting an Air seminar with Williams Mullen on September 12th, with topics including recent changes to Air Regulations and the practical impacts of those changes, Clean Air Act litigation developments, Project Emissions Accounting for permitting and for compliance, and steering regulatory and source changes through your environmental management system. More information on the seminar is available if you contact
On September 26-27th, Aegis will be attending the Virginia Manufacturer’s Association 2018 Environmental Health & Safety Conference. If you are attending, we hope you stop by our booth, and stay to enjoy our presentation on Thursday “Using Commonly Available Tools to Increase the Effectiveness of Your Records Management.” The presentation slides will be available on our website after the conference at
On September 26-28, Katrina Scanlan and Ginger Ellis of Aegis will be attending the 2018 Air & Waste Management Association’s Southern Section Annual Meeting and Conference. Please stop by our booth if you are attending.
Aegis protects you, while you protect the environment.