Regulatory Alert - October 2018

Aegis extends this brief regulatory update:.

New Jersey and Virginia to Join Regional Carbon Trading in 2020

Both NJ and Virginia are set to join the Northeast carbon trading program, with final rules expected to be released in 2018 and adopted in 2019.  There are an estimated 33 power plants in Virginia which would be covered by the trading program, and Virginia would represent the second largest state in the program, by carbon emissions, after New York.  For more information on Virginia’s proposed carbon trading rule, and to sign up for the DEQ email alerts and Virginia Town Hall notifications, please see

Aegis Update:

The Air seminar Aegis is co-hosting with Williams Mullen, which was originally scheduled for September 12th, was postponed to November 6, 2018 due to preparations for hurricane Florence.  The seminar will cover topics including recent changes to Air Regulations and the practical impacts of those changes, Clean Air Act litigation developments, Project Emissions Accounting for permitting and for compliance, and steering regulatory and source changes through your environmental management system.  More information on the seminar is available if you contact


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