The Environment Virginia Symposium is the Commonwealth’s premier environmental conference and the 2018 conference brought together environmental professionals throughout Virginia from all sectors: government, non-profits, academia, and industry.
Over 600 environmental professionals attended from all over Virginia and the conference included some of the following sessions that Aegis attended:
- DEQ Updates - Introduction by David Paylor, Director, VA DEQ and included Melanie Davenport, Michael Dowd, Jutta Schneider, and Justin Williams
- Air Permitting and Regulation, Presentations included Newport News Shipbuilding New Source Review Process and Recent Developments in Air Permitting and Regulation
- Using Environmental Management Systems, Presentations included Realities of EMS: Balancing Compliance and Culture and Introduction to ISO Environmental Standards
- Developments in Environmental Enforcement and Enforcement of Air Regulations including Richard Alonso, Partner Environmental Government Strategies, Sidley; Mike Dowd, Director, Air and Renewable Energy Division, VA DEQ; Jay Holloway, Williams Mullen Law Firm; Clara Poffenberger, Environmental Law and Policy LLC
- Waters of the US: Where does it stand? Demystifying the WOTUS Repeal and Replace Panel including David Davis, Office of Wetlands and Stream Protection, VA DEQ; Michael Rolband, President, Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc.; and Tom Walker, Chief, Regulatory Branch, Norfolk District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
This was a short list of the many panels and presentations that provided extremely beneficial content. Please contact Judi Fox to discuss any of the above conference presentations or topics at
The conference was great for networking with peers, environmental service providers, vendors, and regulators from around Virginia.
Aegis Environmental, Inc. is planning to attend next year's conference March 26-28, 2019. Find out more information to attend the conference here and hope to see you there!