Aegis Regulatory Alert- TRI Reporting- May 2022

TRI (Toxic Release Inventory) Reporting  

The Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) reporting forms are due to EPA by July 1, 2022.  Facilities within the listed industry sectors with ten or more full-time employees who manufacture, process, or otherwise use a TRI-listed chemical are required to report for each chemical above the reporting threshold.  Additional information and guidance can be found on EPA’s TRI Program webpage: 

If you would like assistance determining whether reporting is required, or assistance with the reporting itself, please contact Chris Lampel at, or Jessica Gunter at

Below is an excerpt from the Virginia DEQ website news posting regarding the 2020 TRI report results, which was recently published. 

“The TRI is a mandatory reporting program overseen by the U.S. Environmental                Protection Agency that requires industrial facilities to submit TRI data. All data is available in a public database that records toxic chemical releases, transfers, waste management and pollution- prevention activities.

The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) released the 2020 TRI report on April 1, 2022, which shows the amount of chemicals released into Virginia’s environment. According to the report, there was an overall 5.87 percent increase from 2019 in chemicals that were managed, transferred or released by industries, with a total amounting to 871.74 million pounds.

          Statistics* of note in the 2020 TRI compared to 2019 include:

  •  14.7 million pounds released into the air (2.68 percent decrease)
  • 12.2 million pounds released into water (12.88 percent increase) 
  • 1.42 million pounds released to land (4.86 percent decrease) 
  • 216,283 pounds of persistent bio-accumulative toxins released (11.57 percent decrease)
    (*Percentages are approximate; exact amounts are available in the full report)” 

Bilyeu, G., 2022. Virginia Issues 2020 Toxic Release Inventory Report.