Matthew Markee

  • B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame 

  • M.B.A., The Darden School of Business at University of Virginia  


Mr. Markee is President of Aegis Environmental, a Virginia small business, and is responsible for corporate strategy, business development, client management, and quality control. Mr. Markee has experience as an owner and operator of biomass energy facilities, including on-site for industrial clients. Mr. Markee was a co-founder of Intrinergy in 2004. In 2010, Mr. Markee was named President of Recast Energy, when it was spun out of Intrinergy. This experience included site operations, engineering, and environmental health and safety (EH&S) staff. Facility operations included a Title V air permit, a synthetic minor operating permit (SMOP), stormwater and wastewater permit and monitoring, and carbon credits under the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS). Mr. Markee managed the design, construction, and startup of Intrinergy’s first operating plant, including its permitting. Mr. Markee also led two US Trade Development Agency-funded feasibility studies for biomass power projects in West Africa. This work included environmental social impact assessments (ESIA) for the site and supply chain impacts.